Provision a CAP-only SKU Aruba wireless AP to VC

I recently had a problem with my newly purchased Aruba AP-305 not being able to be added to the VC. The solution was discovered through research.

Firstly, use the following command to show the provisioning log:

show log provision

If you got something like “ADP info: CAP-only sku. Will set it as standalone mode“. This is due to the lack of CCODE (i.e. Country-Code)  in this AP. The solution is also simple.

  1. Connect the serial cable to the console port of Aruba AP
  2. Reset the AP
  3. Hit any key to break into apboot >
proginv system ccode CCODE-[CC]-[SHA1]

(replace [SHA1] with the SHA-1 hash of “[CC]-[SN]” ([CC] is your AP’s Restricted Regulatory Domain, like RW, US, JP and IL), and [SN] is the serial number)

US – Restricted Regulatory Domain – US
JP – Restricted Regulatory Domain – Japan
IL – Restricted Regulatory Domain – Israel
RW or UNRST – Rest of the World (Unrestricted)

For example CCODE-RW-de6fdb363ff04c13ee261ec04fbb01bdd482d1cd


invent -w




setenv serverip [TFTP_Server_IP]


upgrade os 0 [ArubaInstant_Firmware]


upgrade os 1 [ArubaInstant_Firmware]







Now it’s done.

Solution for unable resolving an A record with an intranet address when using pfSense

If you are having trouble resolving a domain name with an A record as an intranet address when using pfSense, add the following field to the Custom options of your DNS Resolver settings.

private-domain: ""
继续阅读Solution for unable resolving an A record with an intranet address when using pfSense

Routing local traffic to a remote outbound with pfSense Firewall and OpenVPN

The purpose of this article is to realize the local machine X can communicate over local router A running pfSense through the WAN gateway of the remote router B also with pfSense.

The lab environment

Local machine X:
[IP_ADDR]= [Mask]= [GW]=

Local router A:
[IP_ADDR]= [Mask]= [GW]=Router_A_WAN_ADDR

Remote router B:
[IP_ADDR]= [Mask]= [GW]=Router_B_WAN_ADDR

OpenVPN client on router A:
[Mode]=TUN [Interface]=OVPN_A  [IPv4 Tunnel Network]=

OpenVPN server on router B:
[Mode]=TUN [Interface]=OVPN_B [IPv4 Tunnel Network]=

1. Establish an OpenVPN TUN tunnel between router A and B anyway. This is not the focus of this article.

2. Set a allow all rule for OVPN_B on router B


3. Set an Outbound NAT on the firewall of router B

[Src]= (or any area you want)
[Translation addr]=Interface Address

4. Set a rule for routing traffic to OVPN_A on the LAN firewall table of router A

# Route all traffic of local machine X
# Route specific destnation IP traffic
[Dst]= (example)

Result: (Tested on local machine X)

> tracert

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms
2 30 ms 30 ms 30 ms

Trace complete.